132 research outputs found

    Tenfold way and many-body zero modes in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

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    The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, in its simplest form, describes k Majorana fermions with random all-to-all four-body interactions. We consider the SYK model in the framework of a many-body Altland-Zirnbauer classification that sees the system as belonging to one of eight (real) symmetry classes depending on the value of k mod 8. We show that, depending on the symmetry class, the system may support exact many-body zero modes with the symmetries also dictating whether these may have a nonzero contribution to Majorana fermions, i.e., single-particle weight. These zero modes appear in all but two of the symmetry classes. When present, they leave clear signatures in physical observables that go beyond the threefold (Wigner-Dyson) possibilities for level spacing statistics studied earlier. Signatures we discover include a zero-energy peak or hole in the single-particle spectral function, depending on whether symmetries allow or forbid zero modes to have single-particle weight. The zero modes are also shown to influence the many-body dynamics, where signatures include a nonzero long-time limit for the out-of-time-order correlation function. Furthermore, we show that the extension of the four-body SYK model by quadratic terms can be interpreted as realizing the remaining two complex symmetry classes; we thus demonstrate how the entire tenfold Altland-Zirnbauer classification may emerge in the SYK model

    Reducing the numerical effort of finite-temperature density matrix renormalization group transport calculations

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    Finite-temperature transport properties of one-dimensional systems can be studied using the time dependent density matrix renormalization group via the introduction of auxiliary degrees of freedom which purify the thermal statistical operator. We demonstrate how the numerical effort of such calculations is reduced when the physical time evolution is augmented by an additional time evolution within the auxiliary Hilbert space. Specifically, we explore a variety of integrable and non-integrable, gapless and gapped models at temperatures ranging from T=infty down to T/bandwidth=0.05 and study both (i) linear response where (heat and charge) transport coefficients are determined by the current-current correlation function and (ii) non-equilibrium driven by arbitrary large temperature gradients. The modified DMRG algorithm removes an 'artificial' build-up of entanglement between the auxiliary and physical degrees of freedom. Thus, longer time scales can be reached

    Finite temperature dynamical DMRG and the Drude weight of spin-1/2 chains

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    We propose an easily implemented approach to study time-dependent correlation functions of one dimensional systems at finite temperature T using the density matrix renormalization group. The entanglement growth inherent to any time-dependent calculation is significantly reduced if the auxiliary degrees of freedom which purify the statistical operator are time evolved with the physical Hamiltonian but reversed time. We exploit this to investigate the long time behavior of current correlation functions of the XXZ spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. This allows a direct extraction of the Drude weight D at intermediate to large T. We find that D is nonzero -- and thus transport is dissipationless -- everywhere in the gapless phase. At low temperatures we establish an upper bound to D by comparing with bosonization

    Mesoscopic Spin Hall Effect

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    We investigate the spin Hall effect in ballistic chaotic quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling. We show that a longitudinal charge current can generate a pure transverse spin current. While this transverse spin current is generically nonzero for a fixed sample, we show that when the spin-orbit coupling time is large compared to the mean dwell time inside the dot, it fluctuates universally from sample to sample or upon variation of the chemical potential with a vanishing average. For a fixed sample configuration, the transverse spin current has a finite typical value ~e^2 V/h, proportional to the longitudinal bias V on the sample, and corresponding to about one excess open channel for one of the two spin species. Our analytical results are in agreement with numerical results in a diffusive system [W. Ren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 066603 (2006)] and are further confirmed by numerical simulation in a chaotic cavity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Electrostatic confinement of electrons in an integrable graphene quantum dot

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    We compare the conductance of an undoped graphene sheet with a small region subject to an electrostatic gate potential for the cases that the dynamics in the gated region is regular (disc-shaped region) and classically chaotic (stadium). For the disc, we find sharp resonances that narrow upon reducing the area fraction of the gated region. We relate this observation to the existence of confined electronic states. For the stadium, the conductance looses its dependence on the gate voltage upon reducing the area fraction of the gated region, which signals the lack of confinement of Dirac quasiparticles in a gated region with chaotic classical electron dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; [v2] Added discussion of large aspect ratio

    Signatures of Klein tunneling in disordered graphene p-n-p junctions

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    We present a method for obtaining quantum transport properties in graphene that uniquely combines three crucial features: microscopic treatment of charge disorder, fully quantum mechanical analysis of transport, and the ability to model experimentally relevant system sizes. As a pertinent application we study the disorder dependence of Klein tunneling dominated transport in p-n-p junctions. Both the resistance and the Fano factor show broad resonance peaks due to the presence of quasi bound states. This feature is washed out by the disorder when the mean free path becomes of the order of the distance between the two p-n interfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    How spin-orbit interaction can cause electronic shot noise

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    The shot noise in the electrical current through a ballistic chaotic quantum dot with N-channel point contacts is suppressed for N --> infinity, because of the transition from stochastic scattering of quantum wave packets to deterministic dynamics of classical trajectories. The dynamics of the electron spin remains quantum mechanical in this transition, and can affect the electrical current via spin-orbit interaction. We explain how the role of the channel number N in determining the shot noise is taken over by the ratio l_{so}/lambda_F of spin precession length l_{so} and Fermi wave length lambda_F, and present computer simulations in a two-dimensional billiard geometry (Lyapunov exponent alpha, mean dwell time tau_{dwell}, point contact width W) to demonstrate the scaling (lambda_F/l_{so})^{1/alpha tau_{dwell}} of the shot noise in the regime lambda_F << l_{so} << W.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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